Monday, March 30, 2009

Over the Weekend

I cannot remember if I mentioned that a little over a week ago, I felt Camilla kick and could feel it on the outside. At first, I thought that I had imagined it, being that it was the tips of my fingers that moved, but I placed my hands on my lower abs, and patiently waited. Within 10 minutes I felt a big BUMP! :)

Ever since then, I have felt her flip (literally) and push and's quite amazing (and still surreal). My tummy continues to grow, and I am officially wear maternity pants, as my last pair of jeans causes Camilla to go into fits.

I've given up on sleeping, and welcome the 20 minute "naps" that I get through the night; between tossing from left side to right, getting up to pee, and just general hip pains that are setting in, I've decided it's my body's way of prepping me for the baby waking and needing feedings throughout the night. Bring it on!!!

Last Thursday I found the most AMAZING crib set for the nursery; it isn't frogs, but dragonflies. Yes, I'm still tying the frogs in there though; I've bought frog stuff as well. The set is lavender and light green, the sheets are lavender, purple, yellow and brown polka-dots, and it's just perfect. I found a set of frog paintings and a frog light switch cover, so I'll probably paint a little dragonfly on them to tie them into the room. The mobile has purple dragonflies on it, so I will find a small stuffed frog and sew in the middle (maybe put a lavender ribbon around its neck).....BUT, the coolest is this:

We went to Home Depot yesterday, because Wayne has decided that we are going to expand our room, make our closet bigger, and take a little of the square footage from the nursery away in doing so. So supply shopping we went; I went ahead and bought paint for the nursery! The crib set is on its way....I'm SUPER excited!!!

Here is the blanket that goes with the set; While I did go ahead and buy the crib set, I left a few things on the registry...heheheheee

I'll probably blog our progress on the nursery over the next month; I'll only get as far as painting for now though, I hear it's bad luck to put the crib and stuff up in the nursery so early (plus, Wayne's making the crib, so it may be another month or 2 before that's ready).....

Remember beloved family: frogs and dragonflies....that's what we're collecting :)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

As of March 23, 2009.....

We can officially call our baby Camilla Lily (or Mia, for short).....

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

It's almost time!

Well, I've decided that there's going to be drama whether you try to block your blog or not. It just can't be avoided (especially when people have your phone number and won't quit calling it).....

But, having said that, I've opened the blog back up for public viewing. I will just have to ignore those who don't know how to behave! I figure if I moderate the comment area, hopefully that will be enough.

Monday is the BIG day....our ultrasound :) I can't wait either. THIS means that I will get to start on the nursery!!!!! YAY, and I can take advantage of the clearance sales of baby clothes for next season (I'm finding clothes for $1.00 an outfit, BRAND new).

The other big news is that my sister moved to Bama! I'm soooooooo happy to have her here; Natalie will know her cousins, and they will all be the BEST of friends, just like when I was little! This makes me very happy......

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Evergrowing Belly.....

After my visit on the 23rd of February, I was told that I'd lost almost 4 pounds since last visit. I don't know where I lost it though; I've been packing this around since a few days before that....I can feel my stomach muscles stretching to make room.

The past few days I've been sleeping with my shirt pulled up too; I can't stand to have anything touching my stomach while I'm sleeping!

I've been making Wayne rub my belly at night to tell the baby "good night"....hehehehehee :)

Don't remember if I mentioned before, but our next visit is the 23rd of March; ULTRASOUND day! I know it's hokey, but I'm thinking of taking the camcorder!!!!