Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Dr's appointment tomorrow!

I haven't been blogging like I should, mostly because I've been very uncomfortable for the past few weeks, and I've had some "issues" outside of the pregnancy that have distracted me to the point where I just didn't feel like writing much. My poor other blog hasn't seen action since "Earth Day", I think! :)

We go back to the doctor tomorrow, and I won't really know much else until then. People have told me I look like I'm dropping; I've been having a few contractions, but nothing to brag about. Most of my news would be talking about how bad my hips have been aching, and how I cannot get comfy unless I'm lying with a fluffy pillow between my legs in my cushy bed! But alas, I do need to be at work while I can be...so no cushy bed for me (although I did stay at home yesterday to rest)!

Now, if our nosy neighbor would stop bugging Wayne about the baby (and our lives in general), and all else goes well, maybe Camilla will come on her own in the next couple of days. Everything else seems to be falling into place; things are getting done at home, and I have all of my notes and things typed up at work....so I think I'll be able to enjoy my leave! :) Mmmmm, to be able to concentrate solely on that sweet little baby and my husband; life can't get any better!