Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Week 15-16

I had my regular "check-up" yesterday. Since they didn't find the baby's heartbeat last visit, they decided to do the Doppler again this visit....and it was a good, strong heartbeat (whew).

That means that next visit, we get to do the ultrasound!!!! Hopefully we'll find out what we're having, and the doctor has to run some other tests on the baby to check for abnormalities and such......

My tummy is getting progressively more "pregnant-like", and it's strange to try to bend over when I'm sitting, because there is just belly in the way! LOL, it's going to take some getting used to....I finally broke down and bought bigger clothes-nothing is fitting lately! :)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


So, I have revamped the blog a bit; as of 2/11/09, you will only be able to view the blog if you have permission. Please send me email addresses, so that I can add you to the "permissible" list.

I've been reading up on the changes that both I and the baby are going through, and I'm wondering if I'm leaning more on being 15 weeks along, instead of 13? The things I was reading about my body changes seem to coincide more with a woman that's 15 weeks along? Which, I think, puts my original "guesstimate" at a higher accuracy. But anyway, not lots to report....

My tummy is actually starting to pooch a little more, which is the other indicator that I'm further along.

Not much else is going on at the moment, other than Wayne and I are in full "prep" mode at home; he's building us a bedroom suite, the baby's bedroom furniture, AND finishing our privacy fence (thank GOD).....

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Baby Time Poll

Since there's not much news right now, I thought this would be fun:

What do YOU think we're having?

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