Thursday, November 19, 2009

Happy 3 months, Loli

Yesterday was Camilla's 3 months! She's getting so big, and learning SO fast! She has grown fond of Franny's Feet and SpongeBob. She loves watching Sprout channel in the evenings, because of Franny and Chica and the little Pig puppet (I still haven't figured out if she's saying her name is Patty or Pammy?). Her little face contorts into the CUTEST smiles and giggles pop out; it makes me SO happy!

Even though we told her yesterday; Happy 3 months Loli...mommy and dahdah love you VERY much!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Weebles Wobble, but they don't Fall Down!

I had one of these when I was little, and I L O V E D it!

I loved all these guys too....and I believe that I had them all! :

Wayne and I are searching for original Weebles and that Treehouse for Camilla! So if you find them, in good condition for a decent price, P L E A S E let us know!!!!

***I'm also in the process of buy My Little Pony and other toys from our childhood, that I know she will love! We've already started with cartoons, since most of today's cartoons are CGA and other strangeness! heheehee

~Crossover Blog #1

Monday, November 2, 2009

Why am I SO in Love?

Just look at her....who wouldn't be in love with THAT!!!?!!!

Or THIS :)