Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Ped Update 12/21/2009
We went to the pediatrician yesterday afternoon. I wasn't happy, because Camilla had another round of vacs...she wasn't happy either. It broke my heart for her to look up at me with those big eyes and BEG for the pain to stop, not understanding WHY I was letting this woman stab her with needles. I didn't like it ONE bit! Is it necessary to have these shots, or is this just one other step for the government to control us?
I'm considering finding a holistic pediatrician (although that may be hard here in "The Bible Belt"!).
On the good notes:
She weighed in at 13 pounds on the nose & 25" long.
We can start her on yellow fruits and veggies.
She can have cereal 2 times a day, if she wants it.
She is one of the healthiest babies her pediatrician has ever seen (of course, she could just be saying this, but the nurse said it too?)
So, we have to give her ANOTHER round of vacs at 6 mths :( BOO (unless I find a way around this?)....but for now, she's doctor-free!
~~~Merry Christmas everyone~~~~
Monday, December 21, 2009
MAJOR update!
As of this past Friday, Camilla had her 4mth Bday; she has learned to "talk", which means she squeals at the top of her lungs to show joy or anger, this morning Wayne said she was counting her fingers! :) She is also, literally, days away from crawling! She (at the moment) rolls around to get where she's going! And it CRACKS me up....rolling from back to tummy, to back again, until she is in the position and place that she wants to be! She's also learning to squeal when she can't get a toy she wants!
THE BEST though, is that she has learned to do that CUTE thing where she'll wrinkle her nose, and purse her lips and breathe heavily through her nose! I taught her that!!!! I also taught it to my sister when she was a baby. :) It's just the CUTEST thing!!!!!!!!!
Here is a recent pic; I'll post again either tonight or in the morning, because we have a 4 month check-up this afternoon, so we'll have official weight, length and general goodies to share!
Merry Christmas.....
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Happy 3 months, Loli
Yesterday was Camilla's 3 months! She's getting so big, and learning SO fast! She has grown fond of Franny's Feet and SpongeBob. She loves watching Sprout channel in the evenings, because of Franny and Chica and the little Pig puppet (I still haven't figured out if she's saying her name is Patty or Pammy?). Her little face contorts into the CUTEST smiles and giggles pop out; it makes me SO happy!
Even though we told her yesterday; Happy 3 months Loli...mommy and dahdah love you VERY much!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Weebles Wobble, but they don't Fall Down!
I had one of these when I was little, and I L O V E D it!
I loved all these guys too....and I believe that I had them all! :
Wayne and I are searching for original Weebles and that Treehouse for Camilla! So if you find them, in good condition for a decent price, P L E A S E let us know!!!!
***I'm also in the process of buy My Little Pony and other toys from our childhood, that I know she will love! We've already started with cartoons, since most of today's cartoons are CGA and other strangeness! heheehee
~Crossover Blog #1
Monday, November 2, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
He says we can't SPOIL her!
Wayne has always said that I am "spoiled". I won't deny this, but I don't feel like I am spoiled in a bad way! Things weren't just given to me; I appreciate everything that I have. I've earned some things that I wanted, growing up. Always, and I mean ALWAYS, I've never taking it for granted!
So, upon having our own, we've worried about her getting spoiled. Not just with people buying her things (clothing, toys, etc.), but by habits that she may develop.
When we first brought her home, I was breastfeeding. The bassinet (thanks B and Megan) was right beside the bed. At first, she had no issues sleeping in it, but about week 2, she wouldn't sleep more than an hour in it. Since I was nursing her, I began letting her sleep in the bed with me. It was just easier to pull out a boob and let her fall back to sleep if she was right beside me. She slept so delicately, that she would almost always wake back up as I laid her in the bassinet. For the sake of my sanity and her getting sleep, she began sleeping with Wayne and me.
It's now 8 weeks later, and she still sleeps in our bed. I can't sleep if she isn't in the bed! We worried about whether this was developing a "bad habit". My baby books all encourage "wearing" your baby and co-sleep/co-bedding with your child, but everyone we know has warned against "letting baby sleep in your bed". Most "mommy blogs" I've found on the net talk about the same thing; they love having their little one in the bed with them.
Camilla sleeping with us hasn't really interfered with anything outside of getting actual sleep on certain nights. Last night, for example, she was SUPER gassy again. Around 4 AM, she began stirring. There was the most ghastly fart I've heard in a while (even for her). She whimpered and started kicking, and ever so pitifully started to cry. I looked over at her, she was still sleeping. So I picked her up and put her on my tummy. I placed a pillow on the right side of us (in case she tried to roll, she wouldn't fall off the bed), and hugged her snugly.
We slept like this until I got up around 715 AM. She would pass gas, whimper and snuggle up to me. I would just hug her and pat her back/rub her back until she stopped wiggling. Several times during the day, we'd given her Mylicon (sp?), but since she didn't truly wake up in the night, I didn't try to give it to her then.
I don't understand why she gets such bad gas at times. It seems like it's one extreme or the other...either non-existent or so bad that she's miserable. Today is 2 month check-up, so I'm going to talk to her ped (again) about this....I'm wondering if Similac formula just doesn't agree with her?
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Milk Drunk!
This is the look I get after I pull the bottle out of her mouth....when suckling stops, and the eyelids go droopy, and she just goes limp. About two seconds after this look, I get a little smile, and then she will either jerk herself awake or go to sleep!
What really cracks me up is the little squeal that she gives when you first start feeding her, and pull the bottle out of her mouth for that first burping! It's hilarious. And now, she's starting to arch her back and kick her legs when you try to burp her, throwing her little tantrum to tell you she wants the bottle back!!!!!
Video to follow VERY soon!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
She's Dancing!
Because of jaundice, we had to supplement formula along with the nursing. I would let her nurse for a few minutes, and the we used a tiny syringe filled with warmed formula and let her suck on my finger, while feeding her the formula. This was supposed to last only until my milk came in...but when that happened, well, it SUCKED!
I was sooo excited when I could tell my milk was coming in, this meant sooo much to me (as Camilla had lost almost a pound after bringing her home from the hospital!). That Friday was ok, things were going GREAT! By the time we went to bed, I was feeling a little too full and becoming sore, but I assumed it was normal? By Saturday morning, I was terribly engorged and couldn't stand having clothing on my body!
No matter what I did....something happened, and no milk would come out! I let Camilla nurse, I pumped, I'd try to squeeze it out...nothing. This continued through Sunday evening, and I couldn't take it anymore! We bought more formula, and I began the arduous journey of trying to "dry up". Trust me, it sounds like I gave up on nursing altogether, but I tried VERY hard for that 48 hours, and may have expelled about an ounce of milk. I couldn't let my child starve! :)
So, with the baby being formula-bound, we've had our share of tummy aches and constipation! I think most of her pain has been gassiness! At the last doctor visit, I explained to the pediatrician that Camilla sounded congested; this was met with, "She has acid reflux.", and we were put on a different formula?
I went home, and began to mix bottles with the new formula, transitioning her from old stuff to new stuff. At first, there was no change....outside of the fact that she would finish 4oz of formula and want more. I called the ped office and asked if I should give her 5oz, and they told me no. Then came the spitting up, which we have NEVER had issues with, until this new formula. We were still burping her 2 to 3 times each feeding. But when she became constipated and constantly gassy, I was finished!
The pain that child would express, passing loud gas, and the crying...we decided to let the ped know that this new formula for reflux (which I know she doesn't have), was causing too many problems, and we wanted to give her the original formula again! So we switched back...and for the past few days, we have still dealt with constipation, but the gas has pretty much gone away. No more tummy aches-YAY!
Saturday night, she finally pooped on her own, but it was still somewhat hard and round. Nothing on Sunday or Monday....but when Wayne dropped her off to me yesterday, I forgot to ask if she'd pooped for him (worrying that another suppository might be in our future), so I sent him a text message.
After her 630pm feeding, when I hadn't heard from Wayne, I decided to try to call him. Camilla had drifted off to sleep on my stomach, and when I raised up to grab my phone, I put my hand on her little bottom to brace her, and SQUISH! And then there was the MOST disgusting smell!!!
She woke up a little, and looked up at me and smiled; she stretched and became fully awake. I thought maybe she'd let one, and it was just stinky, but the squishiness of her diaper made me look.
I have NEVER seen that much poop in a diaper! She pooped SOOO much, that it was literally coming out of the top of the back of the diaper! ICK!!!!!!!!!!! I had planned on giving her a bath already, but that sealed the deal, for sure.
After I cleaned her up, before her bath....I put her in her bouncy seat, so that I could grab towels and shampoo, and get her bath ready....and when I came back into the living room, this is what I saw:
She was "dancing" and cooing; the happiest I've seen her, when left alone, in a while! I couldn't stop smiling, and I took several pictures!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Major Update!
The last visit with Dr. S, he said that he wanted to see me first thing Monday morning, upon his return, because we were going to discuss the induction again. Well, when I explained this to the nurse, she told me that he was all booked up until Thursday (August 20), and she made my appointment for that time. I was a little hormonal, and cried when I left the office. "WHY?", I thought to myself...couldn't things just go MY way for once!!?!!
On Sunday, August 16th, I was having what I thought was Braxton Hicks, and I felt a little out of whack (more tired than normal), but I blamed it on the heat and work. I went to bed early that night....didn't sleep much!
Monday morning, I woke up feeling sick to my stomach; I wasn't sure if it was something I ate or my sinuses, but I called my boss to tell her I was coming in a little late. I took a Tylenol, drank a big glass of water, and piled back in the bed with my pups. I felt a few contractions that morning, but again, very light and I thought they were BH!
When I woke up, I got dressed, feeling much better and went in to work. YAY, I got a call around lunch time that Dr. S WANTED to see me first thing Tuesday morning, and I even got an apology from the nurse (so I wonder if something was said to her?). I was soooo happy to see Dr. S, I sent texts to my dad and Wayne telling them I didn't have to wait until Thursday! :)
When I got home, I felt so good that I made dinner, and Wayne and I watched a movie. I, again, was feeling contractions, but they were so erratic and didn't feel all that strong. By 7 PM though, I knew they were REAL contractions, because it'd hit me about every 15 to 20 minutes. The wave of nausea that I'd had that morning hit me around 9, and I excused myself upstairs to take a shower, hoping that I could calm down to sleep.
At 10 PM, I laid down in the bed to cuddle with Wayne, and don't you know, I had to pee! It ALWAYS happens when I get comfortable. I got up to go to the bathroom, and (although I won't be as descriptive here) there was bright blood, which SCARED the daylights out of me! I called to Wayne that we needed to go to the hospital because I was bleeding. He (in my opinion) panicked a little; it seemed like he was running all over the place. Luckily, the bags were all packed and sitting by the door. I changed out of my nightgown, put on my slippers, and off we went.
I called my dad to tell him that we were going, but assured him that they would probably send me back home (as this was the story I'd heard SO many times from other first-time moms). Little did I know!!!!
By 11 PM, on August 17th, I was hooked up to a fetal monitor, wearing a diaper, laying in bed leaving messages to work and a few other people....WE were in LABOR!!! I'd love to go into detail about some of the MOST hilarious things I've ever experience in my life....I'm not sure I should? ;) There were times when I wasn't sure if I was having contractions or really bad gas; I was bugging the nurse every 5 seconds that I had to pee, when in reality it was amniotic fluid leaking, and she threatened me to not have Camilla in the toilet (because that would be a whole other set of paperwork for her to fill out!)!
All in all, I had a pleasant birthing experience. Although I swore I'd have a natural birth, after 3 hours of (what I thought were painful) contractions, I was shaking and exhausted....so I asked for an epidural at 4 AM. It was either that, or risk being too tired to have her without c-section, and I WASN'T having a c-section!!! By 9 AM, I was dilated to an 8, and they were prepping me to start pushing....By 11, I was pushing like there was NO tomorrow, and at 12:21 we had a baby! :)
She weighed 5lbs 15oz and was 18" long....and I don't know how my heart didn't explode! Especially when I looked over and one of the delivery nurses handed her to Wayne, and I saw him smile and start crying. My heart still swells even thinking about that sight. I didn't know that I could love him more than I already did....or that I could love ANYTHING more than I love him!
So, I'll skip forward a bit....Camilla weighs a little over 9 lbs now, and she's probably about 22" by now......
She's the most precious thing in our world!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Dr's appointment tomorrow!
We go back to the doctor tomorrow, and I won't really know much else until then. People have told me I look like I'm dropping; I've been having a few contractions, but nothing to brag about. Most of my news would be talking about how bad my hips have been aching, and how I cannot get comfy unless I'm lying with a fluffy pillow between my legs in my cushy bed! But alas, I do need to be at work while I can be...so no cushy bed for me (although I did stay at home yesterday to rest)!
Now, if our nosy neighbor would stop bugging Wayne about the baby (and our lives in general), and all else goes well, maybe Camilla will come on her own in the next couple of days. Everything else seems to be falling into place; things are getting done at home, and I have all of my notes and things typed up at work....so I think I'll be able to enjoy my leave! :) Mmmmm, to be able to concentrate solely on that sweet little baby and my husband; life can't get any better!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
The End is Near (or if not, I think I may cry)
I haven't updated since the first of the month, well because there isn't much going on, outside of the fact that I feel a little like a blimp! :) I don't really favor ranting about how I'm not getting any sleep, or about how I feel like my stomach is literally lined with lead weights that are ripping my insides out at times. I prefer to remain as lady-like about being pregnant as possible! Mine has been pretty easy on me (thank you Miss Camilla)!
Two weeks ago, when I went to the doctor for our routine check-up, I wasn't measuring where I was supposed to, so they ordered an ultrasound. Camilla (at that time) was measuring around 33 weeks, but I was only measuring at 28 weeks? Last week, the baby is still growing fine; she measured at 35 weeks, weighing 5 pounds 12 oz., but the doctor doesn't think she'll reach over another pound at birth. So, 6 pounds-ish at birth, but he doesn't seem concerned at all: Camilla is very healthy, and another ultrasound this week will confirm as much. Hopefully they're checking to make sure I've dilated (if at all), as he's only been looking at her via ultrasound.
I'm soooo ready! I was worried about making it through the baby showers (and we did), and yes, I have some pics to get posted on here, and a few more "thank yous" to get mailed out! Wayne and I have been blessed to have gotten all the cool stuff for Camilla that we have; she is a very loved child, already!
Bags are packed-check; Camilla's room is ready-check; everything is ready as far as lists of who to call, text, update-check; Camilla is ready to make her first appearance....well, it's a waiting game now! We have basically 2 to 3 weeks, according to the doc! YIPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.......
I promise to update Friday on the visit!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Oh my heart; the sweetness!
I'm so in love that I can't breathe! I giggled and laughed while we were doing the ultrasound, but when I called Wayne to tell him she'd done well and showed her face this go 'round, I looked over at the pictures and I cried! The pictures don't do justice to the (real time pics) DVD...she really is beautiful. I know ALL parents say that, but this child is not only our miracle...she's just gorgeous!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Just an Update
I'd thought about just closing my office door, and seeing if a 30 minute nap might help; I'm worried that I may not wake up for HOURS. I'm not sure what's going on...only 2 days ago, I had more energy than I knew what to do! Now I feel like a zombie walking around. And to boot, I think I'm beginning to experience Braxton Hicks contractions (false labor).
If I stand up for more than 10 or 15 minutes, I get these cramps; they go away when I sit down and start to relax. Which SUCKS, because I'm also beginning to experience that whole "nesting" thing, and my house cannot get clean enough! How am I supposed to balance the exhaustion with the cramping, and on top of all that, I have to get the house in order before Camilla gets here. I am a basket case right now!
Last week, Wayne and I went to get our 4D ultrasound done...it didn't work out so well. Camilla may be a shy child, she didn't want to show her face. Instead, she had her FEET in her face! That's right, I said F E E T. For a little over an hour, we tried to coax her into moving, but if she moved her feet, she threw up her little hands. So we go back next week for round 2!
On a side note, I have my check-up this Thursday!
So, I have ALMOST packed our overnight (plus a day) bag for the hospital. I have also packed a diaper bag for Camilla Lily, complete with manicure set, her dress that she'll wear home, shoes, a receiving blanket, and whatever else I decide to throw in there...OH, Auntie Jada bought her the CUTEST night gowns, so there's one of those as well! I'm not sure what to pack for the baby, for the hospital...so that's what I've done. I'm sure I'll research it later, when I finalize everything.
I have also designated 3 friends to contact everyone else, so that I don't have to text/FaceBook too much. I'll send a message when we head to the hospital to FaceBook to let those friends/family know, but after that, I will only text those 3 people to keep in touch with everyone else for me. Please don't be offended if you weren't "the one"; these people have the biggest address books, so I figured it would be easier for them, and this way I feel no one gets left out! ;) I could pin it on Wayne's shoulders, but I want him to enjoy Camilla with me, not be sitting in a corner texting/calling people all day! :) He has a VERY small list of people to call (his parents, my daddy, and my boss *in case I am supposed to work the next day).
Well, there's a lot of other things going on, but I won't bore you with details; maybe next blog! ;) I will leave you with this, the VERY thing that kept me from seeing my beautiful little angel's face...I think she's going to be part monkey!
Friday, May 29, 2009
She's growing.....
This picture was taken a week or 2 ago....I feel like I've doubled in size over that short period of time!
I go in Monday morning, bright and early, for my glucose test, and to make sure that I'm not anemic; fun stuff getting poked by a needle! BUT, I get to schedule our 4D at that time, so it will be worth it! :)
Hope everyone has a good weekend!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Camilla's Room
Here are some chihuahua puppies that I fell in love with. They were part of a calendar that I had, and those little pups were so cute, I had saved the pictures. They do clash a bit with the "frog and dragonfly" theme of her room, but I couldn't resist putting them up! The frames almost match the stain on her crib!
Speaking of the theme, here are the frog paintings that I bought...I love how the colors in the pictures matched the paint (without planning!).
Here are the little dragonflies that live on the other side of the room....
These pictures were taken with my cell, so the colors are a little drab, but I'm sooo happy that things are coming together. Now all I have to worry about is ordering her mobile, and getting her clothes put into her dresser. I spent a day over the weekend washing all of the clothes that people have given me, and folding them up; they are currently resting in her crib, along with a few stuffed animals!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Camilla's (soon to be) Homecoming-Part 1
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Things are coming together! (Finally)
Another thing that I've knocked out is the registry: I've registered us at Target and Amazon.com (yes, I know this {Amazon.com} seems strange, but books and music will be a big part of Camilla's life, as they are to Wayne and me.), and hopefully that will cover any relatives or friends that we have out of town (since stores seem to vary from state-to-state, but online is universal).
I'm still getting things from friends and family too, so I may need to update the registry and take things OFF that we thought we needed. :)
Whew, August is going to be here before I know it though, so I don't feel like I'm jumping the gun at all! I'm a procrastinator at heart, I can't on these things though, it would be too stressful for more than just myself!!! ;)
Monday, May 4, 2009
Update in May
Ok, so over the weekend, Wayne and I finally bought Camilla's crib and mattress. The bad thing is, we THOUGHT that it would fit in my Forenza (if we put the back seats down), so we took my car (instead of Wayne's TRUCK). We get to Target, decide on the right crib (there were 2 that I really loved, so I made Wayne make the final decision), and grab the mattress that I found the best ratings on....load that onto a cart and head for the checkout line.
Now, weather here in Huntsville has been leaning toward "Noah's story" with all the rain we've had over the past few days....but we had a break (THANK goodness). We wheel the bed and mattress out to the car, and Wayne proceeds to slide it into the back seat. "OH, it's actually going to fit, isn't it?" I was giddy. But then, the door wouldn't shut! :( SOOOOO, I ask if we need to put the seats down, and slide it in that way....but guess what?
When you put the seats down in a Suzuki Forenza, the opening (width-wise) is about 2/3 of the length of the seats! NO WAY is it fitting that way! DAMMIT!!! I ask Wayne what to do, because I know his mind works 90 miles a minute. I can see him searching the different ways we can get this bed in the car.....
He grabs a kayak strap out of the back of my car, and throws the bed on top of my poor lil car. We strapped this convertible crib to the top of my car! He threw the mattress back into the back seat, and away we drove.
We got it home in one piece, despite the fact that Wayne lost pretty much all circulation in his right arm for about an hour! (He was holding onto the box the whole trip home!)
So, we still haven't finished the nursery; Wayne's fishing instincts got the best of him both Friday and Saturday! ;) BUT, hopefully this week, we'll get that finished, painted and carpets cleaned. That way I can get the pictures hung, crib put together, and everything put back in there as it should be!
Not much else to update....the doctor visit (from the last blog) went well; good strong heartbeat, and I'm where I should be weight and measurement-wise. I go back on the 15th this month, because my doc is going to be out of town on the week I'd normally go.
OH, here is some cute stationary I bought (so when it's time for "Thank you notes", I'll have something absolutely adorable!
And, here is the crib that we picked out (and at a really good deal!)...it's a crib/day bed/full-size bed combo!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Nursery in the works
He got through one session of sanding the mud, but the wall was so unlevel that another coat was required. He should have that sanded down, so that we can texturize the wall again this week. Hopefully, by next Tuesday, I'll be painting away! We found the most amazing color; iced cilantro! It's a pale green that matches almost perfectly with the crib set.
After the painting, we'll be steam cleaning the carpet, then we can move all the furniture back in there! Because of other projects, we've decided to take some stress off Wayne by buying a crib. I've been bargain shopping, and think we've found a convertible crib that's perfect. A refinished oak dresser will serve as both Camilla's dresser/supply storage and changing table! I even found a pad that's made to go on top of a dresser (so we don't have to buy a changing table).
Outside of that, I want to thank everyone that has given us the other "necessities" for making a newborn feel right at home! Without you, I'd be lost in a whirlwind of shopper's remorse (not to mention the dent in my credit card!). I'm always grateful for hand-me-downs.... ;)
Next doc visit is tomorrow, so I'll update again later in the week!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Over the Weekend
Ever since then, I have felt her flip (literally) and push and move....it's quite amazing (and still surreal). My tummy continues to grow, and I am officially wear maternity pants, as my last pair of jeans causes Camilla to go into fits.
I've given up on sleeping, and welcome the 20 minute "naps" that I get through the night; between tossing from left side to right, getting up to pee, and just general hip pains that are setting in, I've decided it's my body's way of prepping me for the baby waking and needing feedings throughout the night. Bring it on!!!
Last Thursday I found the most AMAZING crib set for the nursery; it isn't frogs, but dragonflies. Yes, I'm still tying the frogs in there though; I've bought frog stuff as well. The set is lavender and light green, the sheets are lavender, purple, yellow and brown polka-dots, and it's just perfect. I found a set of frog paintings and a frog light switch cover, so I'll probably paint a little dragonfly on them to tie them into the room. The mobile has purple dragonflies on it, so I will find a small stuffed frog and sew in the middle (maybe put a lavender ribbon around its neck).....BUT, the coolest is this:
We went to Home Depot yesterday, because Wayne has decided that we are going to expand our room, make our closet bigger, and take a little of the square footage from the nursery away in doing so. So supply shopping we went; I went ahead and bought paint for the nursery! The crib set is on its way....I'm SUPER excited!!!
Here is the blanket that goes with the set; While I did go ahead and buy the crib set, I left a few things on the registry...heheheheee
I'll probably blog our progress on the nursery over the next month; I'll only get as far as painting for now though, I hear it's bad luck to put the crib and stuff up in the nursery so early (plus, Wayne's making the crib, so it may be another month or 2 before that's ready).....
Remember beloved family: frogs and dragonflies....that's what we're collecting :)
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
It's almost time!
But, having said that, I've opened the blog back up for public viewing. I will just have to ignore those who don't know how to behave! I figure if I moderate the comment area, hopefully that will be enough.
Monday is the BIG day....our ultrasound :) I can't wait either. THIS means that I will get to start on the nursery!!!!! YAY, and I can take advantage of the clearance sales of baby clothes for next season (I'm finding clothes for $1.00 an outfit, BRAND new).
The other big news is that my sister moved to Bama! I'm soooooooo happy to have her here; Natalie will know her cousins, and they will all be the BEST of friends, just like when I was little! This makes me very happy......
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
The Evergrowing Belly.....
After my visit on the 23rd of February, I was told that I'd lost almost 4 pounds since last visit. I don't know where I lost it though; I've been packing this around since a few days before that....I can feel my stomach muscles stretching to make room.
The past few days I've been sleeping with my shirt pulled up too; I can't stand to have anything touching my stomach while I'm sleeping!
I've been making Wayne rub my belly at night to tell the baby "good night"....hehehehehee :)
Don't remember if I mentioned before, but our next visit is the 23rd of March; ULTRASOUND day! I know it's hokey, but I'm thinking of taking the camcorder!!!!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Week 15-16
That means that next visit, we get to do the ultrasound!!!! Hopefully we'll find out what we're having, and the doctor has to run some other tests on the baby to check for abnormalities and such......
My tummy is getting progressively more "pregnant-like", and it's strange to try to bend over when I'm sitting, because there is just belly in the way! LOL, it's going to take some getting used to....I finally broke down and bought bigger clothes-nothing is fitting lately! :)
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
I've been reading up on the changes that both I and the baby are going through, and I'm wondering if I'm leaning more on being 15 weeks along, instead of 13? The things I was reading about my body changes seem to coincide more with a woman that's 15 weeks along? Which, I think, puts my original "guesstimate" at a higher accuracy. But anyway, not lots to report....
My tummy is actually starting to pooch a little more, which is the other indicator that I'm further along.
Not much else is going on at the moment, other than Wayne and I are in full "prep" mode at home; he's building us a bedroom suite, the baby's bedroom furniture, AND finishing our privacy fence (thank GOD).....
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
An Update (of sorts)
The reason why I am bringing this up now, is because in a month or 2, I will be fixing our account so that only approved family and friends can see the blog; outsiders without approval will not be able to see pictures or read the entries.
"Why" am I doing this, you may be wondering? It's for the safety of the baby further in the future. Once he/she is born, I don't want random people to become "creepy" about our child. I didn't really think about it, until someone brought to my attention a scary scenario.....so, I just want to give a heads-up....join up so you'll be able to follow the blog!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Today's the day:
I wish Wayne could go every visit, but he doesn't get to make up his hours or have vacation time, like I do. So, he's sitting out this one; his next big visit will be the ultrasound to find out if we're having a boy or girl! THAT will be the visit of ALL visits!!!!!!!!
Anyway, I am giddy, but I'll log back on with the hubby tonight to update everyone on how things went.
Everything went well at the visit; my weight is where it should be, all of my blood work and whatnot came back in the good....we tried to hear the baby's heartbeat, but alas, it wasn't time yet (and this is perfectly normal for 11 weeks; she said usually it's stronger after 12 weeks). I also contribute this to my full bladder and a growling stomach....I drank LOTS of water before my visit!!!!
The baby is fine, I am fine, Wayne....well,...... yes he's fine too! ;)
Saturday, January 17, 2009
thrilling a monster
Thursday, January 15, 2009
The Whimsy of it All!
I've decided to decorate the baby's nursery....with frogs! Yep, F R O G S; all sorts of the little buggers too, tree frogs, bull frogs, realistic and whimsical alike....this way, I can start NOW. (we all know that it takes me forever to finish a project; just ask Wayne) I think I'm going to paint the room a soft brown (maybe like the color of sand or a really milky latte), and then hang mint green and brown curtains (or something along that line).
I figure this basic color scheme will allow for shades of blue (if it's a boy), or shades of lavender for a girl, to be woven into the mix! AND that means that I can get started NOW! Wayne has promised to help me this weekend, to get his things in order, move the weight equipment around, and to start thinking of a scheme to it all. I won't worry with the paint or anything until it warms up enough outside to open the windows for ventilation. But that doesn't mean that I can't start shopping for UBER cuteness like this music box I found on Ebay......
And now the explanation for Frogs; Wayne dug a pond (with HIS bare hands), 2 or 3 years ago, while on his vacation. We collected rocks from our many adventures kayaking; added some koi a year ago, along with water lilies and hyacinths....and now it's GORGEOUS and relaxing. I know some of you are SCREAMING right now about the safety of the baby, but my grandmother had a pool when my cousins and I were wee things, and we're all still around!
So, probably not a week after the pond was full, we started noticing frogs all over! We've had good frogs and bad frogs (there was an incident involving a baby duck and her "almost demise"). Yes, I name them too....there was "the Frog Father" (a fat thing that reminded me soooo much of Marlon Brando it was ridiculous), Lubey Luke, the Smarty Frog, The wicked thing/devil-frog (the one who tried to eat my friend's lovely little duck), and now Glen (think Glenda the good witch, from The Wizard of Oz). *and yes, I've researched these frogs every time we see a new species in the pond; I can tell you if they're male or female!
How wonderful for our baby to have this "built-in" ecosystem in our back yard; full of wonder and life; I just know he/she is going to LOVE the frogs as much as we do! :)
Monday, January 12, 2009
Just an update....
Hopefully, it will be green and blue where this one is pink, and the tag will read, "it's a boy!" I'm banking on this now; there is a pattern with my siblings-Sky had Natalie in May, B had Bishop in November, Sky is currently pregnant with Girl 2 (due in June, I think), so that means I get to have a boy, right? :) Well, that aside, we are hoping for a beautiful, healthy baby-boy or girl!