While nothing pivotal has occurred since the last blog (no new weight-gain, no "excitement", etc), I promised to blog at least once a week, so here it is:
While I am still not experiencing "morning sickness", I find myself feeling "queasy" on occasion lately. It started last week, and it would happen every day right after I'd eat lunch, but it lasted only 3 or 4 days. Now, it's sporadic; I feel it right now, but I also dealt with it last night RIGHT at bedtime! How many mommies out there dealt with "pregnancy queasies" over outright barfing? And don't get me started on the EXHAUSTION....I feel like I could sleep for YEARS! Thank goodness it's time to start "mommy yoga". Hopefully this will help to spike my energy level.
My other biggest concern is prenatal vitamins? While I got the hook-up with my first few weeks following the doctor visit, I have finally ran out, and I'm researching alternatives to my 40.00 a month prescription. I looked up the info, and those prenatals are only marginally off from my regular multi-vitamin. AND, I've found that there are several OTC prenatals that have closer to (what I found on a pregnancy site) the recommended dosage of certain vitamins than the PrimaCare One that was prescribed to me. So, I honestly prefer to go with something closer to the recommended daily dosage of vitamins and nutrients that I'm supposed to be in-taking over a prescribed vitamin that is OVERLY priced (in my opinion). If I'm still getting the correct nutrients, what's the harm?
Following that same note, Wayne and I are both VERY healthy eaters; no, I don't mean having a large appetite either! ;) I make conscious decisions in planning our meals, with so many heart and weight problems running through our family trees. We'll splurge on occasion, but it's important to make the effort; heck, we rarely use salt because we've learned to appreciate the natural taste of most foods! And we use fresh EVERYTHING if we can possibly pull it off!
I made homemade spaghetti Saturday night, and all of the ingredients in the sauce were fresh vegetables and spices! YUMMY! Of course, I wrecked that with a homemade no-bake chocolate pie! :) But it's ok to live a little! I cannot wait to introduce the baby to all the wonderful foods in the world! (amongst other things)
So, I know it's a little premature, but I've decided that I want a cake like this (or similar) for our baby shower cake; isn't it adorable?

Hopefully, it will be green and blue where this one is pink, and the tag will read, "it's a boy!" I'm banking on this now; there is a pattern with my siblings-Sky had Natalie in May, B had Bishop in November, Sky is currently pregnant with Girl 2 (due in June, I think), so that means I get to have a boy, right? :) Well, that aside, we are hoping for a beautiful, healthy baby-boy or girl!
We will definitely throw you a baby shower! I am not sure if I know how to make a cake like that :( Maybe we can find somewhere special that can ...