Wayne has always said that I am "spoiled". I won't deny this, but I don't feel like I am spoiled in a bad way! Things weren't just given to me; I appreciate everything that I have. I've earned some things that I wanted, growing up. Always, and I mean ALWAYS, I've never taking it for granted!
So, upon having our own, we've worried about her getting spoiled. Not just with people buying her things (clothing, toys, etc.), but by habits that she may develop.
When we first brought her home, I was breastfeeding. The bassinet (thanks B and Megan) was right beside the bed. At first, she had no issues sleeping in it, but about week 2, she wouldn't sleep more than an hour in it. Since I was nursing her, I began letting her sleep in the bed with me. It was just easier to pull out a boob and let her fall back to sleep if she was right beside me. She slept so delicately, that she would almost always wake back up as I laid her in the bassinet. For the sake of my sanity and her getting sleep, she began sleeping with Wayne and me.
It's now 8 weeks later, and she still sleeps in our bed. I can't sleep if she isn't in the bed! We worried about whether this was developing a "bad habit". My baby books all encourage "wearing" your baby and co-sleep/co-bedding with your child, but everyone we know has warned against "letting baby sleep in your bed". Most "mommy blogs" I've found on the net talk about the same thing; they love having their little one in the bed with them.
Camilla sleeping with us hasn't really interfered with anything outside of getting actual sleep on certain nights. Last night, for example, she was SUPER gassy again. Around 4 AM, she began stirring. There was the most ghastly fart I've heard in a while (even for her). She whimpered and started kicking, and ever so pitifully started to cry. I looked over at her, she was still sleeping. So I picked her up and put her on my tummy. I placed a pillow on the right side of us (in case she tried to roll, she wouldn't fall off the bed), and hugged her snugly.
We slept like this until I got up around 715 AM. She would pass gas, whimper and snuggle up to me. I would just hug her and pat her back/rub her back until she stopped wiggling. Several times during the day, we'd given her Mylicon (sp?), but since she didn't truly wake up in the night, I didn't try to give it to her then.
I don't understand why she gets such bad gas at times. It seems like it's one extreme or the other...either non-existent or so bad that she's miserable. Today is 2 month check-up, so I'm going to talk to her ped (again) about this....I'm wondering if Similac formula just doesn't agree with her?
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