As of yesterday, our wee bit is 7 months old. She is mobile (although not officially crawling; it's more of a scoot, half-walk/crawl, kinda looks like a monkey dancing), knows to "pose for the camera", will laugh with a grunt, and she KNOWS how to play "peek-a-boo"!
She will "stand" on her legs, with her hands on the floor, and try to actually WALK. We keep thinking that she may just pass the stereotypical crawling and start sprinting?!? At her 6mth check-up, she weighed just barely over 16 pounds, but was almost 28" long (which is REALLY tall for her age). We're told she's pretty advanced for 6mth age group....we attribute this to working with her, reading to her, exposing her to EVERYTHING.
Strangely enough, our 10 year wedding anniversary is coming up, and we've decided to do something fun that includes Loli....maybe taking a day trip to one of the local vineyards for a picnic and lots of "road trip" pictures. It sounds straight out of a movie to me, and I absolutely LOVE it! Video camera and digi-camera in bag, picnic basket of goodies, our lil family singing at the top of our lungs, driving down the back roads with the windows down....I cannot think of a better way to spend my 10 year anniversary! (outside of driving down to Dauphin Island and camping on the beach! But I don't think Loli is quite ready for a camp trip.)
I MUST get a video up soon of her playing "peek-a-boo"!
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