Friday, January 30, 2009
An Update (of sorts)
The reason why I am bringing this up now, is because in a month or 2, I will be fixing our account so that only approved family and friends can see the blog; outsiders without approval will not be able to see pictures or read the entries.
"Why" am I doing this, you may be wondering? It's for the safety of the baby further in the future. Once he/she is born, I don't want random people to become "creepy" about our child. I didn't really think about it, until someone brought to my attention a scary, I just want to give a heads-up....join up so you'll be able to follow the blog!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Today's the day:
I wish Wayne could go every visit, but he doesn't get to make up his hours or have vacation time, like I do. So, he's sitting out this one; his next big visit will be the ultrasound to find out if we're having a boy or girl! THAT will be the visit of ALL visits!!!!!!!!
Anyway, I am giddy, but I'll log back on with the hubby tonight to update everyone on how things went.
Everything went well at the visit; my weight is where it should be, all of my blood work and whatnot came back in the good....we tried to hear the baby's heartbeat, but alas, it wasn't time yet (and this is perfectly normal for 11 weeks; she said usually it's stronger after 12 weeks). I also contribute this to my full bladder and a growling stomach....I drank LOTS of water before my visit!!!!
The baby is fine, I am fine, Wayne....well,...... yes he's fine too! ;)
Saturday, January 17, 2009
thrilling a monster
Thursday, January 15, 2009
The Whimsy of it All!
I've decided to decorate the baby's nursery....with frogs! Yep, F R O G S; all sorts of the little buggers too, tree frogs, bull frogs, realistic and whimsical alike....this way, I can start NOW. (we all know that it takes me forever to finish a project; just ask Wayne) I think I'm going to paint the room a soft brown (maybe like the color of sand or a really milky latte), and then hang mint green and brown curtains (or something along that line).
I figure this basic color scheme will allow for shades of blue (if it's a boy), or shades of lavender for a girl, to be woven into the mix! AND that means that I can get started NOW! Wayne has promised to help me this weekend, to get his things in order, move the weight equipment around, and to start thinking of a scheme to it all. I won't worry with the paint or anything until it warms up enough outside to open the windows for ventilation. But that doesn't mean that I can't start shopping for UBER cuteness like this music box I found on Ebay......
And now the explanation for Frogs; Wayne dug a pond (with HIS bare hands), 2 or 3 years ago, while on his vacation. We collected rocks from our many adventures kayaking; added some koi a year ago, along with water lilies and hyacinths....and now it's GORGEOUS and relaxing. I know some of you are SCREAMING right now about the safety of the baby, but my grandmother had a pool when my cousins and I were wee things, and we're all still around!
So, probably not a week after the pond was full, we started noticing frogs all over! We've had good frogs and bad frogs (there was an incident involving a baby duck and her "almost demise"). Yes, I name them too....there was "the Frog Father" (a fat thing that reminded me soooo much of Marlon Brando it was ridiculous), Lubey Luke, the Smarty Frog, The wicked thing/devil-frog (the one who tried to eat my friend's lovely little duck), and now Glen (think Glenda the good witch, from The Wizard of Oz). *and yes, I've researched these frogs every time we see a new species in the pond; I can tell you if they're male or female!
How wonderful for our baby to have this "built-in" ecosystem in our back yard; full of wonder and life; I just know he/she is going to LOVE the frogs as much as we do! :)
Monday, January 12, 2009
Just an update....

Hopefully, it will be green and blue where this one is pink, and the tag will read, "it's a boy!" I'm banking on this now; there is a pattern with my siblings-Sky had Natalie in May, B had Bishop in November, Sky is currently pregnant with Girl 2 (due in June, I think), so that means I get to have a boy, right? :) Well, that aside, we are hoping for a beautiful, healthy baby-boy or girl!