Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Ped Update 12/21/2009

We went to the pediatrician yesterday afternoon. I wasn't happy, because Camilla had another round of vacs...she wasn't happy either. It broke my heart for her to look up at me with those big eyes and BEG for the pain to stop, not understanding WHY I was letting this woman stab her with needles. I didn't like it ONE bit! Is it necessary to have these shots, or is this just one other step for the government to control us?

I'm considering finding a holistic pediatrician (although that may be hard here in "The Bible Belt"!).

On the good notes:
She weighed in at 13 pounds on the nose & 25" long.
We can start her on yellow fruits and veggies.
She can have cereal 2 times a day, if she wants it.
She is one of the healthiest babies her pediatrician has ever seen (of course, she could just be saying this, but the nurse said it too?)

So, we have to give her ANOTHER round of vacs at 6 mths :( BOO (unless I find a way around this?)....but for now, she's doctor-free!

~~~Merry Christmas everyone~~~~

Monday, December 21, 2009

MAJOR update!

WOW, I didn't realize that it's been a month since my last post on here! BOY do I have updates!

As of this past Friday, Camilla had her 4mth Bday; she has learned to "talk", which means she squeals at the top of her lungs to show joy or anger, this morning Wayne said she was counting her fingers! :) She is also, literally, days away from crawling! She (at the moment) rolls around to get where she's going! And it CRACKS me up....rolling from back to tummy, to back again, until she is in the position and place that she wants to be! She's also learning to squeal when she can't get a toy she wants!

THE BEST though, is that she has learned to do that CUTE thing where she'll wrinkle her nose, and purse her lips and breathe heavily through her nose! I taught her that!!!! I also taught it to my sister when she was a baby. :) It's just the CUTEST thing!!!!!!!!!

Here is a recent pic; I'll post again either tonight or in the morning, because we have a 4 month check-up this afternoon, so we'll have official weight, length and general goodies to share!

Merry Christmas.....