I'd thought about just closing my office door, and seeing if a 30 minute nap might help; I'm worried that I may not wake up for HOURS. I'm not sure what's going on...only 2 days ago, I had more energy than I knew what to do! Now I feel like a zombie walking around. And to boot, I think I'm beginning to experience Braxton Hicks contractions (false labor).
If I stand up for more than 10 or 15 minutes, I get these cramps; they go away when I sit down and start to relax. Which SUCKS, because I'm also beginning to experience that whole "nesting" thing, and my house cannot get clean enough! How am I supposed to balance the exhaustion with the cramping, and on top of all that, I have to get the house in order before Camilla gets here. I am a basket case right now!
Last week, Wayne and I went to get our 4D ultrasound done...it didn't work out so well. Camilla may be a shy child, she didn't want to show her face. Instead, she had her FEET in her face! That's right, I said F E E T. For a little over an hour, we tried to coax her into moving, but if she moved her feet, she threw up her little hands. So we go back next week for round 2!
On a side note, I have my check-up this Thursday!
So, I have ALMOST packed our overnight (plus a day) bag for the hospital. I have also packed a diaper bag for Camilla Lily, complete with manicure set, her dress that she'll wear home, shoes, a receiving blanket, and whatever else I decide to throw in there...OH, Auntie Jada bought her the CUTEST night gowns, so there's one of those as well! I'm not sure what to pack for the baby, for the hospital...so that's what I've done. I'm sure I'll research it later, when I finalize everything.
I have also designated 3 friends to contact everyone else, so that I don't have to text/FaceBook too much. I'll send a message when we head to the hospital to FaceBook to let those friends/family know, but after that, I will only text those 3 people to keep in touch with everyone else for me. Please don't be offended if you weren't "the one"; these people have the biggest address books, so I figured it would be easier for them, and this way I feel no one gets left out! ;) I could pin it on Wayne's shoulders, but I want him to enjoy Camilla with me, not be sitting in a corner texting/calling people all day! :) He has a VERY small list of people to call (his parents, my daddy, and my boss *in case I am supposed to work the next day).
Well, there's a lot of other things going on, but I won't bore you with details; maybe next blog! ;) I will leave you with this, the VERY thing that kept me from seeing my beautiful little angel's face...I think she's going to be part monkey!