Happy Late May Day to everyone! :)
Ok, so over the weekend, Wayne and I finally bought Camilla's crib and mattress. The bad thing is, we THOUGHT that it would fit in my Forenza (if we put the back seats down), so we took my car (instead of Wayne's TRUCK). We get to Target, decide on the right crib (there were 2 that I really loved, so I made Wayne make the final decision), and grab the mattress that I found the best ratings on....load that onto a cart and head for the checkout line.
Now, weather here in Huntsville has been leaning toward "Noah's story" with all the rain we've had over the past few days....but we had a break (THANK goodness). We wheel the bed and mattress out to the car, and Wayne proceeds to slide it into the back seat. "OH, it's actually going to fit, isn't it?" I was giddy. But then, the door wouldn't shut! :( SOOOOO, I ask if we need to put the seats down, and slide it in that way....but guess what?
When you put the seats down in a Suzuki Forenza, the opening (width-wise) is about 2/3 of the length of the seats! NO WAY is it fitting that way! DAMMIT!!! I ask Wayne what to do, because I know his mind works 90 miles a minute. I can see him searching the different ways we can get this bed in the car.....
He grabs a kayak strap out of the back of my car, and throws the bed on top of my poor lil car. We strapped this convertible crib to the top of my car! He threw the mattress back into the back seat, and away we drove.
We got it home in one piece, despite the fact that Wayne lost pretty much all circulation in his right arm for about an hour! (He was holding onto the box the whole trip home!)
So, we still haven't finished the nursery; Wayne's fishing instincts got the best of him both Friday and Saturday! ;) BUT, hopefully this week, we'll get that finished, painted and carpets cleaned. That way I can get the pictures hung, crib put together, and everything put back in there as it should be!
Not much else to update....the doctor visit (from the last blog) went well; good strong heartbeat, and I'm where I should be weight and measurement-wise. I go back on the 15th this month, because my doc is going to be out of town on the week I'd normally go.
OH, here is some cute stationary I bought (so when it's time for "Thank you notes", I'll have something absolutely adorable!

And, here is the crib that we picked out (and at a really good deal!)...it's a crib/day bed/full-size bed combo!